Thursday 4 April 2013

Snap Out of It!

Ever have those days when the second you get out of bed things just keep going wrong? We all have them. And some days that funk is harder to get out of then other days. 

I am becoming more conscious of the things that can I control. Choosing the attitude when I get out of bed every morning is one of the things that I, and you, can control. If you decide that you are going to have a good day and follow through with it, it can open up a realm of opportunity. 

Let me explain. 

Naturally, we want to be around happy people. When we are happy and excited  we attract happy and exciting things. When we are aggravated and irritated, those things will come back to us. Whatever you choose to be is a reflection of what the Universe is going to give back to you. 

So, if you are like me, sometimes you wake up in a funk and ALLOW that funk to take over your entire day. Well lets look at some ways to but a foot in your "funks" ass. 

1. Do something to make yourself feel good. Wear your most favourite outfit, your prettiest perfume, apply makeup that you wouldn't normally wear, rock your sexy undies, eat healthy, work out, get a Starbucks.. whatever you need! Do it for you so you can wear your best asset... your smile :)

2. Talk to someone you really like. There is always one person who can put a smile on your face just by talking to them. Find that person and let it all out! End the conversation on a positive note about how you've DECIDED the rest of your day is going to go. 

3. Do something for someone else. Maybe at Starbucks grab a coffee for a good friend, write someone a nice e-mail or letter letting them know how grateful you are to have them in your life, or even something small like telling someone they look nice that day. Research is showing that the more we help others, the more satisfied and happy we are with our lives, and Healthy Living agrees :) If you choose to do something for someone else, I want to know about it! 

4. Clean up! This sounds so elementary, but even just living or working in a clean space can make the biggest difference. Cleaning off your desk or organizing your closet can take a huge weight off your shoulders. You may even find a greater sense of clarity and some inspiration while your at it! 

5. My favourite. Listen to your favourite song/ songs. This one helps me a lot. Turn up your favourite feel good tunes as loud a you can and turn your day around! You may want to dance, sing,or break it down in your own style, but let the music take you into your own zone for a little bit. 

Below is one of my current fave songs and videos! They are having too much fun and I can't get enough. Turn this up and catch my flow! And remember, when you think you are going to have "one of those days", SNAP OUT OF IT! 

Share some of your favourite "feel good" songs below, and have  a fabulous Friday!! 

Peace and hair grease,

xoxo Alex 


  1. Grant, I am having a funky week for no good reason, and you put a bright spot in it. Love the new blog. -O

    1. Thank you! I am glad you have made your day a great one! xoxo
