Friday 19 April 2013

Living the Extraordinary Life

I don't know about you, but for me, thinking about getting a job immediately drains all my energy. You might as well pull every strand of hair out of my head one at a time. Feelings of being trapped and losing freedom and happiness and passion rush into my mind like a tsunami. It is horrible. 

I feel like I am wasting precious time doing things that I don't really want to be doing. I don't want to live for the weekend (2 days of freedom) and dread the week coming. It's not me. Maybe you have to imagine it, or maybe this is your reality as it was mine just a few short months ago. There are a few moments of freedom and satisfaction but it all seems to be overthrown with the constant grind of doing something that gives you no fulfillment. Life seems to pass you by in shades of grey. 

What is so funny about my current circumstance is that when I was employed I was working around the clock. I had money, but no time for me. All I could think about everyday when I woke up was is this it? I felt so incomplete and all I wanted was for that feeling to end. So, I ended it. I left everything behind in hopes that living a free life would give me the answers to everything. In some ways it has. I have met some incredible people and I have been researching manifestation, meditation, passion, success, inspiration, transformation and all these wonderful things, however I still don't feel complete. My knowledge base has grown immensely from what it was but I still struggle with gaining clarity on the most simple things like, what do I really want? I can't even vision that for myself right now. I can't even tell you what my ideal life looks like. I change my mind every 5 minutes like I have multiple personalities. Maybe this is an age thing or maybe it's because I love so many things, who the heck knows! I still have lots to learn about myself.

So as I have been researching and asking myself questions that I am still trying to answer I came across this quote.. 

“Discover who you truly are and fully give every aspect of your uniqueness to the world. This is your path to an extraordinary life.”

What is living an extraordinary life? For me it's giving back, travelling the world to see everything you can't put in words or pictures, loving and being loved, laughing a lot, taking care of my body, celebrating my successes as well as others, being surrounded by a group of visionaries, exploring spirituality, fierce love, sharing stories and listening to stories, being colourful, more fierce love, sparkling with a smile and living with no regrets. I could make this list a page long. Is there a career that matches this? Is there going to be a career that matches this? I don't know. If you do, please, let me know. 

Everyday I wake up and these are the questions that fill my mind until my eyes close and I begin REM. Even when I am in REM I am probably dreaming about it. It is a mad house in this girls brain. Stay clear. 

Despite all the confusion I am also grateful for many, many things. One of my greatest blessings is my support system. Last weekend I spent a night out with some friends who belong to my support system. As we were discussing life I learned this- when you have time, you don't have money. When you have money you don't have time. The balance of life is a struggle for us all. Is living the extraordinary life just a means of finding a way to get paid for what you truly love doing and would probably even do if you weren't getting paid for it? Because loving what you do doesn't really make it a job, right? Is that the trick? 

Well, how do you get there? Does unhappiness and stress come before the big "AHA!" moment? Is there an "AHA!" moment? 

If you are someone who is dong what they love please share a little insight on how you got there and why it is perfect for you. In the mean time, I will be searching and awaiting further instructions from the Universe. 

Have a great weekend bloggies! 

xoxo Alex 
Just a picture of a few people I love :)

Friday 12 April 2013

Everything Happens For A Reason

Hey Blog tarts,

Over this past year I have been on my "Understand the Meaning of Life" mission. It is not an easy one, but one that I decided to take on in an effort to leave my own mark on the world. A personal legacy I suppose you could say. 

I have a huge passion for travelling and connecting with people. I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason, and different people come into your life at a specific time for a reason. Who's with me? 

Have you ever been on the search for something and then you hear the answer come out of someone else's mouth when you happen to be right there? This is called synchronicity. Let me give you a little break down on the S word, its a pretty amazing word. 

Synchronicity is the simultaneous occurrence of events that appear significantly related but have no discernible or casual connection (according to these people). 

Pretty much, it's the Universe bringing you the answer you need when you need it, and there is no real way to knowing how this happens. It just does. Ask and it is given, sound familiar?

Well, recently I have become increasingly in tune with synchronicity. I have been paying close attention to the things that just seem to happen naturally. Over these past two weeks, two people have made their way into my life and gave me a stronger light on a dim path. Their light was not strong enough to light the entire way, but it wasn't supposed to be. All you need to focus on is one step at a time, and with their light I gained my footing for my next step. 

I have the tendency to think way ahead of myself and I know that hurts me instead of helps me. Instead of feeling excited to gain my next step I sometimes feel lost and in the dark with no direction. 

So if you are like me and feel a little lost, know that someone is waiting for you with a flashlight to show you a little more of the way. People are just amazing like that. We don't always know who they are or where they come from, but they will be there when you are ready. 

I, for one, know what it is like to be in the dark... I have been hanging out here for quite a while. It's not fun and I am not excited to wake up to it everyday. But I understand now that it is a necessary step and that I should embrace it. I am embracing the confusion, frustration, puzzlement, and belittlement that I feel each and every day. Not everyday is going to be sunshine and rainbows but I figure if I can get through this rodeo then I am more prepared for the next one. 

Wherever you are in your life, on a high or a low, embrace it. Do what you have to do to feel grateful for where you are right now because someone else wants what you have. 

Have a great weekend blog tarts! Be back soon! 

xoxo and a hand hug :)


Sunday 7 April 2013

What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up?

What do you want to be when you grow up?

Isn't this the question that we were all asked as young kids? 

How has your answer changed from the very first time you were asked that question, till now?

For me, over time I feel like my answer had become more limited. When I was young I used let my imagination run free and say whatever I thought I could be whether it was realistic or not. 

What changed? What happens when we get older? Where does our fantasy, creativity, and unwillingness to accept reality go? 

The reason for feeling like you have limited answers now is because your response to this question is prompted by parents, teachers, and other authoritative figures that make you think about whether or not you have a realistic answer.

I went from having the freedom to believe anything can happen, to listening to "grown ups" influence my decision of what I can do based on "realism". 

This question of what I want to be has started me on a path of questioning EVERYTHING that I was taught to be true. I realize now that there is only one path. Mine. I am beginning to take my first steps on my real and authentic path. The only one that reigns true to me. In other words, the road less travelled. 

It is the road less travelled because it is not the one that was laid out for me. In other words, go to high school to get a diploma, go to University to get a degree, get a job, make a living to support yourself, fall in love, get married, have kids, work to support your family, kids move out, you retire, and then you enjoy life... much later. Woo. Hoo. Sounds familiar doesn't it?

Although I have done some of these things (up until the degree part), I question, "Do I do what everyone told me to do, and what everyone else is doing to have a successful life?" or, "Do I start on my own path that is authentically me filled with passion, purpose and adventure?". 

Currently I am creating that path that is authentically me and there are many unknowns. But there are some things that I do know: 

Life is not a race, its a journey. 

All of the answers to my questions lie within me. 

If I surround myself with positivity, creativity and other brilliant minds I will continue to grow. 

With the right mindset, ANYTHING is possible. 

Like the great Will Smith says, "being realistic is the most common path to mediocracy."

So take that realism!! I am NOT going to be realistic because I am NOT mediocre and I am GOING to take the road less travelled, because it's MY road. 

Stay true to who you are! There are going to be a lot of people making you doubt yourself and what you are capable of. If you begin to doubt yourself because of someone else's opinion, go to a quiet place and listen to what your insides are telling you. YOU have all the answers, NOT them. 

I challenge you to ask yourself this question again. And this time, before you respond, throw realism out the window. It does not exist. You can be anything. Within you lies all the answers. If you don't know the answer, listen closer. 

So, what do you want to be when you grow up?

Happy Sunday friends. Have the best week if your life. And don't be so realistic ;)

xoxo Alex 

Thursday 4 April 2013

Snap Out of It!

Ever have those days when the second you get out of bed things just keep going wrong? We all have them. And some days that funk is harder to get out of then other days. 

I am becoming more conscious of the things that can I control. Choosing the attitude when I get out of bed every morning is one of the things that I, and you, can control. If you decide that you are going to have a good day and follow through with it, it can open up a realm of opportunity. 

Let me explain. 

Naturally, we want to be around happy people. When we are happy and excited  we attract happy and exciting things. When we are aggravated and irritated, those things will come back to us. Whatever you choose to be is a reflection of what the Universe is going to give back to you. 

So, if you are like me, sometimes you wake up in a funk and ALLOW that funk to take over your entire day. Well lets look at some ways to but a foot in your "funks" ass. 

1. Do something to make yourself feel good. Wear your most favourite outfit, your prettiest perfume, apply makeup that you wouldn't normally wear, rock your sexy undies, eat healthy, work out, get a Starbucks.. whatever you need! Do it for you so you can wear your best asset... your smile :)

2. Talk to someone you really like. There is always one person who can put a smile on your face just by talking to them. Find that person and let it all out! End the conversation on a positive note about how you've DECIDED the rest of your day is going to go. 

3. Do something for someone else. Maybe at Starbucks grab a coffee for a good friend, write someone a nice e-mail or letter letting them know how grateful you are to have them in your life, or even something small like telling someone they look nice that day. Research is showing that the more we help others, the more satisfied and happy we are with our lives, and Healthy Living agrees :) If you choose to do something for someone else, I want to know about it! 

4. Clean up! This sounds so elementary, but even just living or working in a clean space can make the biggest difference. Cleaning off your desk or organizing your closet can take a huge weight off your shoulders. You may even find a greater sense of clarity and some inspiration while your at it! 

5. My favourite. Listen to your favourite song/ songs. This one helps me a lot. Turn up your favourite feel good tunes as loud a you can and turn your day around! You may want to dance, sing,or break it down in your own style, but let the music take you into your own zone for a little bit. 

Below is one of my current fave songs and videos! They are having too much fun and I can't get enough. Turn this up and catch my flow! And remember, when you think you are going to have "one of those days", SNAP OUT OF IT! 

Share some of your favourite "feel good" songs below, and have  a fabulous Friday!! 

Peace and hair grease,

xoxo Alex