Wednesday 27 March 2013

Inspired by Subway...Eat Fresh!

Anyone like Subway?... Eat fresh! (I feel like I have to say that every time!)

Personally, I am a big fan. Whenever I am on the run and need something to eat, I always turn to Subway because it's healthy and convenient, and the other day, I turned to Subway just for that. 

On Monday, I had just landed in Philadelphia to visit my main squeeze, David. On the way to his house, we habitually stopped at Subway to grab some lunch. After I had ordered my usual, (6 inch turkey breast on 9 grain honey oat, just saying), the gentleman across the counter said, "so, I heard you are from Canada." 

Clearly, in my absence, David had spoke with this man before. However, what surprised me was that he had not only cared to remember that I was from Canada, but also cared enough to say something to me in an effort to establish a connection or relationship. He remembered something so small and simple, yet I paid him so much respect.

As we continued our discussion, I told him that I enjoyed coming to this particular Subway because it's very welcoming, and he is extremely polite and respectful of all his customers. 

He then told me that he has owned that Subway for the past 8 years. In the beginning of those 8 years, 2 other additional Subway's existed down the street. Over the course of those 8 years, the only one that has remained open, is his. Why do you think that is?

The way you speak to someone matters. You could be having the worst day, but even the man who is going to make your sandwich for you, is going to make it the best he can, simply because, that's his job. 

There is something to be said for the people who deliver 110% everyday. No matter what is going on in their personal lives, they are able to drop everything and make YOU the priority. If you recognize yourself as one of those people, I personally, would like to reach out to you and say, thank you. Thank you for caring about your job, thank you for noticing your effort is important, and thank you for doing your best every single day. YOU are one person who is making a difference. 

Today is a new day. How are you going to take on your day? Here is a little video to remind you of how even 1 person can make a difference. 

And remember, YOU are one. YOU are the difference.

Have a lovely day bloggers! Feel free to share your thoughts! And thank you Subway man for inspiring this blog, I will be seeing you soon :)



Sunday 24 March 2013

Looking at the World a Little Differently

If you would like to feel warm fuzzies in your tummies, watch this video.

The video above is a brief 31 seconds of happiness. Over the past year I have become obsessed with inspirational, motivational, anything that puts a smile on my face kinds of videos. This video, or commercial, caught my attention yesterday. I noticed that after the commercial was over and something else had come on I was still smiling. I know I can give into marketing easily, but holy smokes Coco Cola, you got me on this one! I was like a smiling Buddha on my couch for a good five minutes! The emotion of everyone in this video made my insides burst into a happy dance :)

How did you feel after watching that brief 31 seconds of happiness? Every time I watch that video I feel a warm tingly feeling that brings me joy. That little feeling that we all get when we see something that makes us smile, is the smallest piece of something great we all have in us. It is up to us to make that feeling grow, and spread the joy out to as many people as we can. 

Each person in that video experienced a moment of impact. Someone else made a difference, small or big, in their lives. Maybe it's time each of us take responsibility and do the little things that may impact someone in a big or small way. After every moment of impact, recognize that feeling of satisfaction, joy, love, or whatever it is to you, and don't let it go, for that is the start of your impact on the world. 

Below is another video that made an impact on me, that I would like to share with you. We never seem to have enough time for the ones we love, or to accomplish all the things we want to accomplish. Life is not a race. Take time to appreciate family, friends, and everything special to you because you never know when the clock runs out. For some, even a century is not enough time. If you have a couple of minutes to spare, take a look at this video. After the video, acknowledge the feeling you have. Maybe that is the one feeling that can make the difference in your day. 

Thank you Coco Cola for bringing these amazing videos. I don't purchase many of your products, however, I feel that we are somewhat bound :) 

Let's start looking at the world a little differently. 

Happy Sunday everybody! 

xoxo and lots of smiles, 

Saturday 23 March 2013

The Beginning

Have you ever experienced a standstill in life? Maybe a time you didn't feel so motivated and stuck in a rut? We all go through the highs and lows of life, but sometimes we get lost in the middle somewhere. 

Over this past year I feel like my life journey has been magnified. I had a very successful career as a gymnast for as long as I can remember. Gymnastics is a big part of my life, and majorly contributed to the person I am today. In every aspect of life you have the "unknowns", however, through my life as a gymnast, I knew where I wanted to go, and most days were very routine. 

This is me competing bars for Iowa State in Pittsburg

So, here I am. Two years after graduation, and my life feels like a giant question mark. It's quite a big adjustment going from knowing what each day brings, to not knowing anything, really, about where I want my life to go- which leads me into the purpose of this blog. 

For the past three months I have been dedicated to finding fulfillment and a sense of purpose in life. That is what we all want right? A passionate life full of adventure, and fulfillment. The longing to feel satisfied in our insides because we did something bigger then ourselves. 

I have learned that in order to be passionate about something you have to feel free to do it. Freedom, purpose, fulfillment, passion- feels good just saying those words doesn't it? If we feel free to do something that we love, it will give us a sense of purpose and leave us fulfilled, right? It sounds so simple...

I am writing this blog to let you all in on my journey through, what I think, is one of the most vulnerable times in my life. I am subject to many changes and still learning about people and the world around me. This is my journey on finding that purpose, passion, and greater sense of self, that keeps your heart at peace knowing you are living life to the fullest each and every day. 

If you feel you can relate, have a story, or maybe some advice, please share in the comment box below. I would love to hear what you have to say, and you never know, you might be reaching out and making a difference to to someone else! Have a fabulous day today, and thank you for reading my first blog post :) Come back soon. 

xoxo Alex