Sunday 7 April 2013

What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up?

What do you want to be when you grow up?

Isn't this the question that we were all asked as young kids? 

How has your answer changed from the very first time you were asked that question, till now?

For me, over time I feel like my answer had become more limited. When I was young I used let my imagination run free and say whatever I thought I could be whether it was realistic or not. 

What changed? What happens when we get older? Where does our fantasy, creativity, and unwillingness to accept reality go? 

The reason for feeling like you have limited answers now is because your response to this question is prompted by parents, teachers, and other authoritative figures that make you think about whether or not you have a realistic answer.

I went from having the freedom to believe anything can happen, to listening to "grown ups" influence my decision of what I can do based on "realism". 

This question of what I want to be has started me on a path of questioning EVERYTHING that I was taught to be true. I realize now that there is only one path. Mine. I am beginning to take my first steps on my real and authentic path. The only one that reigns true to me. In other words, the road less travelled. 

It is the road less travelled because it is not the one that was laid out for me. In other words, go to high school to get a diploma, go to University to get a degree, get a job, make a living to support yourself, fall in love, get married, have kids, work to support your family, kids move out, you retire, and then you enjoy life... much later. Woo. Hoo. Sounds familiar doesn't it?

Although I have done some of these things (up until the degree part), I question, "Do I do what everyone told me to do, and what everyone else is doing to have a successful life?" or, "Do I start on my own path that is authentically me filled with passion, purpose and adventure?". 

Currently I am creating that path that is authentically me and there are many unknowns. But there are some things that I do know: 

Life is not a race, its a journey. 

All of the answers to my questions lie within me. 

If I surround myself with positivity, creativity and other brilliant minds I will continue to grow. 

With the right mindset, ANYTHING is possible. 

Like the great Will Smith says, "being realistic is the most common path to mediocracy."

So take that realism!! I am NOT going to be realistic because I am NOT mediocre and I am GOING to take the road less travelled, because it's MY road. 

Stay true to who you are! There are going to be a lot of people making you doubt yourself and what you are capable of. If you begin to doubt yourself because of someone else's opinion, go to a quiet place and listen to what your insides are telling you. YOU have all the answers, NOT them. 

I challenge you to ask yourself this question again. And this time, before you respond, throw realism out the window. It does not exist. You can be anything. Within you lies all the answers. If you don't know the answer, listen closer. 

So, what do you want to be when you grow up?

Happy Sunday friends. Have the best week if your life. And don't be so realistic ;)

xoxo Alex 

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