Friday 12 April 2013

Everything Happens For A Reason

Hey Blog tarts,

Over this past year I have been on my "Understand the Meaning of Life" mission. It is not an easy one, but one that I decided to take on in an effort to leave my own mark on the world. A personal legacy I suppose you could say. 

I have a huge passion for travelling and connecting with people. I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason, and different people come into your life at a specific time for a reason. Who's with me? 

Have you ever been on the search for something and then you hear the answer come out of someone else's mouth when you happen to be right there? This is called synchronicity. Let me give you a little break down on the S word, its a pretty amazing word. 

Synchronicity is the simultaneous occurrence of events that appear significantly related but have no discernible or casual connection (according to these people). 

Pretty much, it's the Universe bringing you the answer you need when you need it, and there is no real way to knowing how this happens. It just does. Ask and it is given, sound familiar?

Well, recently I have become increasingly in tune with synchronicity. I have been paying close attention to the things that just seem to happen naturally. Over these past two weeks, two people have made their way into my life and gave me a stronger light on a dim path. Their light was not strong enough to light the entire way, but it wasn't supposed to be. All you need to focus on is one step at a time, and with their light I gained my footing for my next step. 

I have the tendency to think way ahead of myself and I know that hurts me instead of helps me. Instead of feeling excited to gain my next step I sometimes feel lost and in the dark with no direction. 

So if you are like me and feel a little lost, know that someone is waiting for you with a flashlight to show you a little more of the way. People are just amazing like that. We don't always know who they are or where they come from, but they will be there when you are ready. 

I, for one, know what it is like to be in the dark... I have been hanging out here for quite a while. It's not fun and I am not excited to wake up to it everyday. But I understand now that it is a necessary step and that I should embrace it. I am embracing the confusion, frustration, puzzlement, and belittlement that I feel each and every day. Not everyday is going to be sunshine and rainbows but I figure if I can get through this rodeo then I am more prepared for the next one. 

Wherever you are in your life, on a high or a low, embrace it. Do what you have to do to feel grateful for where you are right now because someone else wants what you have. 

Have a great weekend blog tarts! Be back soon! 

xoxo and a hand hug :)



  1. Awesome! One step at a time! Difference-Maker!!

    1. Thank you Silentor! I know you can relate :)
