Saturday 23 March 2013

The Beginning

Have you ever experienced a standstill in life? Maybe a time you didn't feel so motivated and stuck in a rut? We all go through the highs and lows of life, but sometimes we get lost in the middle somewhere. 

Over this past year I feel like my life journey has been magnified. I had a very successful career as a gymnast for as long as I can remember. Gymnastics is a big part of my life, and majorly contributed to the person I am today. In every aspect of life you have the "unknowns", however, through my life as a gymnast, I knew where I wanted to go, and most days were very routine. 

This is me competing bars for Iowa State in Pittsburg

So, here I am. Two years after graduation, and my life feels like a giant question mark. It's quite a big adjustment going from knowing what each day brings, to not knowing anything, really, about where I want my life to go- which leads me into the purpose of this blog. 

For the past three months I have been dedicated to finding fulfillment and a sense of purpose in life. That is what we all want right? A passionate life full of adventure, and fulfillment. The longing to feel satisfied in our insides because we did something bigger then ourselves. 

I have learned that in order to be passionate about something you have to feel free to do it. Freedom, purpose, fulfillment, passion- feels good just saying those words doesn't it? If we feel free to do something that we love, it will give us a sense of purpose and leave us fulfilled, right? It sounds so simple...

I am writing this blog to let you all in on my journey through, what I think, is one of the most vulnerable times in my life. I am subject to many changes and still learning about people and the world around me. This is my journey on finding that purpose, passion, and greater sense of self, that keeps your heart at peace knowing you are living life to the fullest each and every day. 

If you feel you can relate, have a story, or maybe some advice, please share in the comment box below. I would love to hear what you have to say, and you never know, you might be reaching out and making a difference to to someone else! Have a fabulous day today, and thank you for reading my first blog post :) Come back soon. 

xoxo Alex 


  1. Hi Alex,

    This is a test comment.


  2. There are many great things to come!
